Valley Art Center is the hub of the visual arts in the Chagrin Valley, providing local communities with art classes, art exhibits and fine art shopping for over 50 years.
The 50th Annual Juried Art Exhibition will be on display November 5 - December 15.
Art by the Falls 2022
The Call to Entry for the 38th Art by the Falls is open through February, 2022. Max 3 items Keep it clean |
Free opportunity for artists
Our partner, Cuyahoga Arts & Culture has a new service available for artists, creatives and makers living in Cuyahoga County: A new online calendar and directory at!
Be one of the first few hundred artists to register and complete your profile, and they will send you $25 to thank you for helping CAC promote the work of artists in our community. Cuyahoga Arts & Culture is one of the largest local public funders for arts and culture in the nation and VAC has been a proud recipient of CAC grants since the organization launched in 2006.
Get in on the action! Become a donor, sponsor, member, or volunteer today!
VAC is a 501c3 non-profit organization, and with only 50% of our revenue coming from classes, we rely on the generosity of our large community of enthusiastic supporters to continue our mission to change lives through arts enrichment. With generous financial gifts of any amount from friends like you, we further our projects with community partners, we continue to keep course fees low, and we strive to nurture the visual arts in the Chagrin Valley and beyond. Your contribution will support our general fund, scholarships, maintenance, and more. Get in on the action!
We have several exciting events upcoming, get the details on our Events page!
You can also stay up to date and RSVP to our events on our Facebook page.
You can also stay up to date and RSVP to our events on our Facebook page.